Category: DOE
Former OSU Student, Employee Charged with Felony
in #AbuseofPower, #GoPokes, #OKState, #PITAC aka Payne in the Ass County, #PublicOfficials, #RICO, College Campuses, Corruption, Department of Education, DOE, EEOC, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, First Amendment, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Speech, Malicious Prosecution, None shall question the mask !, O’Commy News Group, Oklahoma, OSU, Payne County, Public Forum Doctrine, Selective Prosecution, Stillwater, Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach!, Wake the fuck up, People ! Quit being dumbfucks !Ian Mathew Marouk, 25, was a teaching assistant and masters student in statistics this semester until he was released from the program following what statistics staffer Renee Flasch described as erratic, irate behavior and poor grades.
Is Deleting Public Comments on a Fire Dept FB Page Government Censorship?
in #AbuseofPower, #GoPokes, #OKState, #PITAC aka Payne in the Ass County, #PublicOfficials, #RICO, As long as I am learning…It is a good thing., Brace, Censorship, Censorship? GO FUCK YOURSELF IN THE CUNT YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH!, Department of Education, DOE, EEOC, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Facebook, First Amendment, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Speech, Government, NCAA, Office of Civil Rights, Oklahoma, Payne County, Stillwater, Stupidity, The Cunts of OSU, The Harvey Weinsteins of OSU, Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach!, Two-faced, Wake the fuck up, People ! Quit being dumbfucks !Today’s burning question: Can we delete comments that we find offensive on our fire department’s Facebook page? Answer: That question is actually a heck of a lot more complicated than you might imagine… just ask the City of Beech Grove, Indiana. The city is facing a federal lawsuit filed by the ACLU of Indiana on…