Les remercie …

The Falls in Sioux Falls, South Dakota postcard

Absolutely no one … well, no one that is still living … except maybe (just maybe) for all the BureauCunts℠ that make this utter bullshit possible. Without you worthless pieces of shit, there probably wouldn’t be a reason to exist. #BurninHell #CallTheOrkinMan!

“The Site”

#BECAUSEBUREAUCRATSARENOTHINGBUT #CUNTS. #Freedom #Truth #GeorgeMichael #Rita. #Opinions.

The lyrics of this song are powerful, painful, provoking, and poignant; but more importantly, they’re telling “The Site” that its future is bright.

C’est fini, c’est fini … c’est fini les amis ! #OINK*

*And for all the idiot Americans lacking in culture and/or intelligence, which unfortunately seems to be the majority, it means: “That’s All Folks!” #PiggieCrats