Category: #MeToo
Buona Pasqua, Galileo!
in #AbuseofPower, #ACLU, #BackstabbingCunt(s), #DISreality, #GlitchesInTheMatrix, #HappyEaster, #MeToo, #PublicOfficials, #TheNewDarkAges, #WillThereBeANewRenaissance?, Back when gay was fun and not just a exploitable commodity for the bureaucratic oligarchy, Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach!“The Site” did not know that #AOC and #Jesus were so close. #LearnSthNewEveryDay!
A’ Chàisg sona
Happy Easter from Scotland; although “The Site” doubts you will share this because you don’t want dick on your FaceSpace.
Oklahoma Criminal Discovery after Allen
in #DISreality, #GlitchesInTheMatrix, #GoPokes, #MeToo, #OKState, #PITAC aka Payne in the Ass County, #Precedence, #PublicOfficials, #RICO, Can you be fired while on medical leave?, Censorship? GO FUCK YOURSELF IN THE CUNT YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH!, Criminal Discovery, Don’t listen to your idiot parents…DRUGS ARE FUN!, Dr. Trudy Milner, Exploitation, First Amendment, Fix, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Speech, GLBT, Hippocrates Said That., Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach!Oklahoma Criminal Discovery after Allen