Category: Corruption
Show Stirs Up Controversy at Langston
in #ArtHistory, #DISreality, #GlitchesInTheMatrix, #GoodTimes, As long as I am learning…It is a good thing., Back when gay was fun and not just a exploitable commodity for the bureaucratic oligarchy, Basketball, Bent, BET, Black Entertainment Television, But is it art?, Censorship? GO FUCK YOURSELF IN THE CUNT YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH!, College Campuses, Corruption, Department of Education, Exploitation, First Amendment, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Speech, Inbreeding Runs Deep in These Here Parts., Journalism is a Joke!, Journalism is Dead, Just an Okie not from Muskogee, Langston, Lower Depths of Hell, Payne County, Race, research, SEC, Stillwater, Stupidity, The O’Commie Project, The one who sits quietly in the corner usually has the most to say., The Real Real, The things you will do for your boss to keep those paychecks rolling in…, Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach!, To fix all the fucking stupidity?, UngenteelCollege Hill, a reality show on Black Entertainment Television featuring students from Langston University, is bringing out many negative reactions from university faculty members and alumni.
How To Feed Yourself as an Unpaid Intern [for the Giant POS Modern-Day Slaveholders AKA the U.S. Government] in DC
in #GoodTimes, #GoPokes, #PublicOfficials, As long as I am learning…It is a good thing., Censorship? GO FUCK YOURSELF IN THE CUNT YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH!, Corruption, EEOC, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, First Amendment, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Speech, Government, Internship, Music, That time that I figured out I was a bureaucrat, Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach!, Translation, Wake the fuck up, People ! Quit being dumbfucks !, Washington, DCHow to feed yourself as an unpaid intern (for the giant POS modern-day slaveholders aka the U.S. Government) in Washington, DC…You go to every event known to man. They have free food and booze at these events. There’s other tricks-to-the-trade, but that’s the first one you must learn; unless you want to starve to death.…
Art or Obscenity? Unusual Case Draws Controversy
in #Abuse, #ArtHistory, As long as I am learning…It is a good thing., Censorship, Censorship? GO FUCK YOURSELF IN THE CUNT YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH!, Corruption, domestic violence, First Amendment, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Speech, Get your stupid fucking panties out of its wad, Government, I also figured out that my vote doesn’t actually count, Is it ART or is it SMUT?, Mapplethorpe, obscenity, pornography, sexual abuse, That time that I figured out I was a bureaucrat, Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach!, Ungenteel, Wake the fuck up, People ! Quit being dumbfucks !, Washington, DC“A straight adult obscenity case is fairly far down in the pecking order” of priorities for prosecutors, said Teree Bowers, who was the U.S. Attorney in Los Angeles from 1992 to 1994. In the 35-years since the Supreme Court’s seminal case defining obscenity, it appears that not a single successful federal obscenity prosecution has been…
Former OSU Student, Employee Charged with Felony
in #AbuseofPower, #GoPokes, #OKState, #PITAC aka Payne in the Ass County, #PublicOfficials, #RICO, College Campuses, Corruption, Department of Education, DOE, EEOC, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, First Amendment, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Speech, Malicious Prosecution, None shall question the mask !, O’Commy News Group, Oklahoma, OSU, Payne County, Public Forum Doctrine, Selective Prosecution, Stillwater, Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach!, Wake the fuck up, People ! Quit being dumbfucks !Ian Mathew Marouk, 25, was a teaching assistant and masters student in statistics this semester until he was released from the program following what statistics staffer Renee Flasch described as erratic, irate behavior and poor grades.
Wiener Library Moves Nazi Stuffs
in #AbuseofPower, #DISreality, #GlitchesInTheMatrix, Bureaucratic Cunts Even Back Then…like I said…COCKROACHES!, Censorship? GO FUCK YOURSELF IN THE CUNT YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH!, Corruption, Disability, First Amendment, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Speech, Get your stupid fucking panties out of its wad, GLBT, Government, Hippocrates Said That., Holocaust, Homeless, I also figured out that my vote doesn’t actually count, IHaveFuckedalotofMarriedMen, Inbreeding Runs Deep in These Here Parts., Indian Country, Is this heaven or is this hell?, ivory towers, J’te ferai bouffer mes tampons connard., Jew, Juden Raus!, Just an Okie not from Muskogee, Life is painful., Lower Depths of Hell, Nazism, Nightmares, O’Commy News Group, Pink Triangle, Race, research, Star of David, Stupidity, that is my new favorite game…not really it is actually –, That time that I figured out I was a bureaucrat, The one who sits quietly in the corner usually has the most to say., The Real Real, The things you will do for your boss to keep those paychecks rolling in…, Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach!, Trivial Pursuit, Tulsa, Wake the fuck up, People ! Quit being dumbfucks !, Washington, DCThe world’s oldest Holocaust museum has moved to a new home in London’s Russell Square. As well as archiving documents from Jewish victims of repression, the museum also holds chilling examples of how the Nazis used games and books to indoctrinate Germany’s youth with anti-Semitic values.