OSU Used To Be a Little Bit More Diverse


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Tried to give it back to the stupid cunts at OSU.

… even after “The Site” was fired & blocked from completing its program for reporting discrimination (and other utterly ridiculous shit committed by these BureauCunts℠), but seriously, this is pathetic on so many counts.

“The Site” would probably refer to this as the gentrification of the Global Studies department at #OSU.

BEFORE: https://migrate-global-v2.okstate.edu/academics/faculty.html
(Funny…it magically disappeared, but there are screenshots.)
AFTER: https://global.okstate.edu/globalstudies/faculty/index.html

BTW, how is it possible to go from a lecturer to a professor?
Could that possibly explain why the ostensibly more qualified
Assistant Professor left this alleged institution of higher learning?
Perhaps, perhaps not…

Or could it possibly have anything to do with the FACT that this former Lecturer, magically turned, Professor is married to the Associate Dean for Personnel and Faculty Development?
#Nepotism? #Allegedly?
Who knows with the shysters at this
alleged institution of higher learning.

PPS It’s just like how “The Site” cannot understand how it is possible to be registered to vote in Florida and Oklahoma? Not only that, but this person is also a bureaucrat receiving her paycheck from the State of Oklahoma…but still, can us regular people keep voting registration in two states, too? #Kosher?

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