Planning To Teach, Research, and Travel Abroad with Louise


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The mentally retarded

(Sorry, “The Site” had to fix the commas in their headline. OSU’s CAS has a mentally diminished marketing department, ostensibly.)

The COVID-19 pandemic has paused virtually the entire world. What does that mean for researchers, especially those whose work entails international travel? One faculty member dealing with that question is art history professor Louise Siddons, who was recently awarded a summer stipend from the National Endowment for the Humanities and a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program Award. The Fulbright will fund her travel to London’s Eccles Centre for American Studies, assuming there are no complications. But as we have seen over the past six months, complications are a regular part of living in a world infected by COVID-19. Louise talks about what it’s like to have your work as both a researcher and teacher in flux, why she likes abstract art, and what led her to research Laura Gilpin, a renowned photographer whose work documenting the lives of the Navajo Nation was featured in a 1957 exhibition at OSU.

“The Site” finds it very amusing how the guy keeps trying to steer her away from the lesbo topic and towards the J. Jay McVicker. “The Site” will give it to her that she tries her best to bring it back to lesbian photographer, which btw, Laura Gilpin is a photographer that “The Site” has known for probably two-decades. How is this relevant? Same for J. Jay McVicker…not sure how people are unaware of this artist, especially if you are from Oklahoma. “The Site” made the introductions between Dr. Siddons and Maurice Powell for her book, Centering Modernism, or whatever it’s called, in the early days, but she’s a colonialist from ENGLAND. She has a bit of an excuse. Although “The Site” finds it rather ironic to be told how to think by the definition of an entitled, privileged, white colonialist…NOT TO MENTION EVERYTHING ELSE SHE HAS DONE.

#IKNOWWHATYOUDIDLASTSUMMER LOL. Stupid dumb fucking blah blah blah PUKE! #AmericasMOSTDISGUSTINGOrange #Janus #Hypocrite #HowDoYouSleepAtNight?

PS “The Site” also finds it interesting how she has conveniently whitewashed it from her version of “Herstory.” “The Site” doesn’t have to re-write history; it is not ashamed of what it has legitimately accomplished as opposed to having things handed to it on a silver platter – like knives for backstabbing.

(EVERY PUN VERY MUCH INTENDED FOR THOSE OF YOU WITH A LOWER THAN AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT, which seems to be more and more people everyday, but guess that’s what happens when you live in Silly Stilly a little too long. Things just keep getting curioser and curioser!)

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