but “The Site” Is Going To Do It, Anyway.

It’s like a compliment sandwich,

but TOTES not.

Even while getting violently and repeatedly raped by the BO of #AMDO, there is always an element of fun. It becomes a piece of cake!

Every time “The Site” listens to any version of this it can’t help but think of playing this song on the piano for the brothers that wrote the song.

De: … BureauCunts ℠ <BureauCunts@GoPokes.org>
Date: 26 janvier 2024 à 18:55:37 UTC−6
À: tim.laughlin@oids.ok.gov, virginia banks <vbanksatty@gmail.com>, Janna Clark <jclark@fox23.com>, Auringer Joel <joel.auringer@laok.org>, tips@thelostogle.comtips@cnn.comnews@tulsaworld.comnews@kjrh.comnews@ktul.comnews.ed@ocolly.com, Dockery Nathan <nathanedockery2@gmail.com>, OIGPublicAffairs2@ed.govConsumerProtection@oag.ok.govcarol.myers@oscn.neteditor@stwnewspress.comFoxNationCustomerCare@fox.comfire@thefire.org
Objet: Does #PITAC have anything other than…

Pettifoggers, Harvey Weinsteins, BureauCunts℠, and/or inbred meth-addicted trash inhabiting that giant dump? 

The only thing that badly attempts to shine bright is America’s MOST DISGUSTING Orange℠ with their tacky commercials featuring the Wicked Witch of the West’s even uglier, allegedly lesbian, step-sister, and even though they waste ridiculous amounts of taxpayer dollars on public relations firms to keep their high and mighty BureauCunts℠ above reproach … it really doesn’t work when they’re just putting lipstick on cockroaches. 

They’re still just disgusting cockroaches with expensive lipstick. 

Anywho, “The Site” did what you told it regarding a crime it never committed, and now it has some BureauCunt℠ threatening it with this letter. It also told nobody but you about never being properly charged (or whatever it’s called, arraigned) … yet, somehow that incompetent disgrace for an unelected BureauCunt℠ parading as a Judge Tina Diane Vaughan sure did know when she came out in her vindictive BureauCuntiness℠ and said, “I guess we need to do some housekeeping.” 

“The Site” wonders how that happened? 

How did she know if it never told anyone but Virginia Ann Banks, esq.?


Any comment on any of this?

PS How does “The Site” file federal charges against this power-abusing BureauCunt℠ Maleesa Pinkerton for sending threatening and harassing messages through the USPS?

Repeatedly, “The Site” provided proof of disability, an SSI letter, and demanded a Rule 8 hearing. So, please … tell this idiot and whatever idiots are in charge of her to shove it. 

“The Site” realizes that Laura the Fat Cow Austin Thomas likes running her two-tier justice system out there in that giant shitehole called Payne in the Ass County, but seriously, someone either needs to teach that shyster PolitiCunt℠ about how the law actually works, or they need to throw her in prison. 

Or, “The Site’s” preference would be for both to happen. 

Teach Laura the Fat Cow Austin Thomas the basics of proper jurisprudence, permanently disbar her, and then throw her in prison with Charles Timothy Laughlin, Tina Diane Vaughan, Debbie Vincent, Erica Garuccio, Sean Webb (and his wife over at #AMDO), You, Sarah Kennedy, Jodie Gage, and a whole bunch of John and Jane Doe’s that are listed on GoPokes.org and/or in its CPU. 

You all need to spend the rest of your pathetic lives in the Big Mac!



“The Site”

Learning Idiots 
More Better 
since 1981℠

Side note: does anyone else think that this version starts out Baptist and then ends up Pentecostal? Other than the O.G. Sandi Patty … not sure who else could do this justice.

Definitely NOT Laura the Fat Cow Austin Thomas. That’s for sure. #AMDO #ProudMemberoftheSouthernBaptistChurch

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