Category: #LAT
What Is a Brady Violation?
A criminal conviction threatens a defendant’s freedom and liberty, so it stands to reason that federal law acts as a watchdog over proceedings to ensure fair trials. The Brady Rule, named after a 1963 case decided by the United States Supreme Court, governs discovery issues in criminal trials.
Who the Fuck Does This Stupid Pam Slater BureauCunt℠ Think She Is?
Pam Slater … an absolute cunt of a human being … not just a BureauCunt℠, a literal disgusting cockroach of a horrific excuse for even the most disgusting of cunts … well, except maybe all of the cunts in Payne in the Ass County. Those disgusting BureauCunts℠ raping the students at America’s MOST DISGUSTING Orange are…
Why Are Coward BureauCunts℠ Allowed To Sling Defamatory Statements and Runaway without Consequence?
This email is in response to your email to me and others dated September 22, 2020 at 12:17 PM. We have checked with OSU and you are not banned from campus. Anyone who may have made that statement was mistaken. -Steve Stephens, General Counsel for OSU/AM Board of Regents. (Brady Violation?)
Shyster-Client Privilege with Virginia Banks, S1E1
This email conversation started with a message saying that this dumb cunt needed a witness list. Keep in mind that Virginia Banks is never available to her OIDS clients – by phone, email, or in-person – it doesn’t matter. This fat cunt with poor time-management skills is a shyster that preys on the disadvantaged while…
Shyster-Client Privilege with Virginia Banks, S1E2
Have you ever noticed that people with money that can pay for their attorney don’t have to really show up for anything other than the trial, or maybe the judge asks for an occasional check-in, but if an OIDS-dependent defendant misses for even the most legitimate reason, a bench warrant is more than likely issued…
Shyster-Client Privilege with Virginia Banks, S1E3
A lawyer and a catfish … the difference between them is that one is a slimy, bottom-dwelling, scum sucker, and the other is a fish.
Shyster-Client Privilege with Virginia Banks, S1E4
Jiminy Cricket is a better attorney than the hemorrOIDS that I am stuck with. This fat, bloody cunt needs to be seen by a medical professional.