It is no longer an esoteric, interrogative search for THE TRUTH based in a naïvely subjunctive mood ; it’s done. Everything is done ! “The Site” has seen THE TRUTH, and THE TRUTH is as disgusting as Orange is the Answer FKA America’s Brightest (MOST DISGUSTING) Orange (ACTUALLY KNOWN AS/AKA) the Bureaucratic Oligarchy or The System.
The ENTIRE system is broken, and there is no way to fix it.
The mood is now fully indicative.

“The Site” lost its faith.

So, what does it do now ?

HINT: Besides the shit hidden all over “The Site,” notice what is checked and what is not. “The Site” has never found you, and since “The Site” detests assumptions, it cannot say whether it will ever lose its faith in whomever you may be. #CGI #STING

You could say I lost my faith in science and progress [Check!]
You could say I lost my belief in the holy Church [Check!]
You could say I lost my sense of direction [Check!]
You could say all of this and worse, but
If I ever lose my faith in you
There’d be nothing left for me to do

Some would say I was a lost man in a lost world [Check!]
You could say I lost my faith in the people on TV [Check!]
You could say I’d lost my belief in our politicians [Check!] [Double Check!]
They all seem like game show hosts to me [Check!]
If I ever lose my faith in you
There’d be nothing left for me to do

I could be lost inside their lies without a trace [Check!] [Check!]
But every time I close my eyes I see your face

I never saw no miracle of science [Check!]
That didn’t go from a blessing to a curse [Check!] [Check!]
I never saw no military solution [Check!] [Check!]
That didn’t always end up as something worse, but [Check!] [Check!] [Check!]
Let me say this first
If I ever lose my faith in you
There’d be nothing left for me to do

PS “The Site” may have lost its faith (in the system), but it has not, and never will, lose its tenacity or its curiosity. Those are two things that will never be lost or taken – no matter how hard you try.

PPS And for those of you too stupid to put two and two together to come up with the number four … David wasn’t carved in a day. Peyton’s Place wasn’t written in a day. Puccini did not write Madama Butterfly in a day, either. All great works of art take time to hone, chisel, polish, edit, clean, prepare, paint, edit, and make perfect ; just like this one.

PPPS Ya’ know what ? “The Site” can’t leave everything on such a morose note; especially since the rest of this story going back to its creation its an absolute nightmare…

Please raise your right hand; do you solemnly affirm that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, under pains and penalties of perjury?

I do, Your Honor.

So, here’s where it really stands. #Truth.


Ya’ll need to quit being such #clodpolls #convenienceistheenemy #deeelite actually it is deee-lite (-ful) ! (Gotta remember about that time “The Site” was chillin’ with Aunt Carrie. She taught it a lot about a lot of things, including the Sierra Club, but definitely got the entire anti-nuclear story direct from the source, herself, the awesome and amawzing Miss Aunt Carrie; it’s saved somewhere in this #CPU. Somewhere…)

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