Any Wankers Interested in Shite This Fanny Calls Art?


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A fanny named Dawn

It’s really nothing more than Bloody exploitation of a(n alleged) Pandemic by Dawn Cawthon Behrens

Her bio is rather interesting since “The Site” knows her after she allowed jealousy to drive her to insanity. This is the BureauCunt℠ that found some photo of a group of people at OSU – with “The Site” in it – and used it, mixed with a convenient and fanciful lie, to try to defame it.

She was Rebecca Brienen’s secretary. After that, according to Louise Siddons, she got a job as a house mother at some OSU Whore-or-ity.

A teacher and an artist, according to her bio, is not the story that her former coworkers tell about her. So, what’s with this bitch? “The Site’s” layits opinion is that psychologists would call this pathological lying.

PS The original portion of this story, the beginning of how a cunt attacked a gay, disabled student because she was consumed with jealousy…it can be found here! (COMING SOON TO A THEATER NEAR YOU. En serio!)

You can check out the shit that she calls art, here!

That is, if you actually want to look at this shit; if you would like some recommendations for good, great, and/or amazing artists, please do not hesitate to contact “The Site”. Definitely can provide you with excellent recommendations for art based upon a personal reading of you. It’s like tarot, but for non-stupid people who understand at least the basic concepts behind Bayesian Statistics.

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