… it’s also about rebuilding a memory bank after countless traumatic events tried (and failed) to destroy it.

“The Site”

So, of course there is stupid election shit everywhere “The Site” turns.

It tries its best to tune it out.

It is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to fix anything as broken as the American government aka THE BUREAUCRATIC OLIGARCHY, and “The Site” continues to remind itself that the only thing that it can fix…is it. All these other stupid fuckers can go fuck themselves…

Anyway, totes keep seeing stuff about a non-binary, Muslim person that has been elected to our House of Representatives right here in good ol’ Oklahoma, and totes keep thinking to itself…why does “The Site” know this person? Maybe it doesn’t know this person, but every time it sees this person…it can feel it. It totes knows this person. What keeps throwing it is that it doesn’t believe that it has ever met a non-binary, Muslim person before but maybe?!? “The Site” has met a lot of people around the world and across the spectrum of every “label” you can imagine, but this one sounded completely new to it. Still though…does “The Site” know this person?

Anywho, so guess the fuck what…you know how the computer screensaver thingy can play photos for entertainment purposes or something?

Well, that popped up, and as “The Site” is entertaining itself by watching it, it sees this:

That gross allegedly hispanic-like food place in Stilly…it really was just a bar with some shitty food.

Well, holy shit! “The Site” does know this person, or are its eyeballs deceiving it? It now remembers. It does know this person. Fairly certain she was just Mauree back then, but YOU GO … PERSON? Hell yeah! Love it! #nonbinary #lemotdujour


(PS It knows all the people in this photo…including that little sliver of Sth coming in from stage right, stage left? Even having worked in “theatre,” “The Site” never could remember, which was which. It always just new that “this” is where it was supposed to be. Oh, and this photo also made it realize that it’s amazing what the brain can do when it has a moment to actually start repairing itself … to heal.)

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