Once upon a time in a land far, far away there was a woman that told the most aspirational stories. Her ability to ensnare the attention of all comme une sirène while fomenting the masses into a chaotic frenzy in the most formidable fashion was as exquisite as a corpse.

This is one of her stories.

The Little Engine that Could by Miss Sweet Pussy Pauline.

Cats and their memories … and here’s another li’l taste of that Sweet, Sweet Pussy!

PS The photograph above is one of dozens of Polaroids taken by a gay bar owner at the gay bar they owned on a night when “The Site” was just a really drunk, wee-young lad dancing naked through a gay bar. “The Site” is only in possession of this one photograph, and this was just the beginning.

Wonder who has the rest of the photos?

PPS Did you know that it is possible to fuck a guy and suck his dick at the same time?


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  1. […] Though, AND IN ALL HONESTY, It Is Nothing More than a Tiny-Dicked, Little Piss-ant Portion of the True Disgustingness That Is the #BureaucraticOligarchy. […]

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