Tulsa City Councilor Denied by Oklahoma Bar Association after #WPOS COCKROACHES AKA Colleagues “Truthfully” Testify, Allegedly

And he's a fucking #HOTPOMM!! WTF?!

This is hysterical.

If Oklahoma’s Bar is using a bar of morality (oddly, yet seemingly, similar to an Oyer and Terminer based solely on the opinion of a non-attorney spokesits and upon whom they decided to subpoena) to decide Grant’s admittance,

then the entire Oklahoma Bar membership needs to be disbarred, post haste!

And just to be be clear …. completely and totally in this non-attorney spokesits pro se opinion. #Shysters & #Pettifoggers is all the #OBA’s known for, allegedly.

The Word of God … it means the Oklahoma Bar has spoken. #DisbarGenterDrummond, allegedly!

How in God’s name can you have not just a cabal of PolitiCunts℠ that this dude is trying to expose for their lecherous ways, allegedly, but THE cabal of PolitiCunts℠ that this dude is trying to expose for their lecherous ways, allegedly, be the deciding factor as to his morality to gain access to this super-exclusive club?

PS Why didn’t anyone mention that he’s fucking hot?

“The Site” thinks (in its non-attorney, spokesits opinion) that G.T. Bynum in his stupid li’l PolitiCuntiness℠ is just jealous of how good Grant looks compared to him. #Jealousy.

Also, why do morals have anything to do with the profession of law?

If you do things legally, then who cares if you like to get pegged by your wife and her pool boy? Seriously, like WTF?!

Why is the OBA wasting its time vilifying Grant Miller, when it has a serious hemorrhOIDS℠ issue??? Hmmm???


#DisbarLi’lTimmyNOW! and all of his BureauCunt℠ mignons.

Just guessing, but ya’ll haven’t had Clifford Michael Zacharias cuss you out while screaming at the top of his lungs into the phone while you’re the secretary for Leslie A. Ellis Kissinger, Attorney and Counselor at Law, have you?

It’s loads of fun. He called her so many vulgar names because she magically didn’t show up to court that day. “The Site” is under the impression that, that really pisses off the other attorney.

It also pisses them off when you stay as cool as a cucumber while putting them on hold for long periods of time.

The screaming and cussing didn’t stop for a good 37-minutes. #GoodTimes.

Seriously, can anyone see how absolutely hypocritical EVERYONE is? #EverythingIsConnected.

“Would you like for ‘The Site’ to take a message and have her call you as soon as she returns?”

“Oh … ‘The Site’ will take that extremely angry and vulgar language as a ‘no’ then.

Okay, please hold. Let me see if we can get her on her cell.”


(As the Jeopardy theme song plays … do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, bum-bum.)

— À lire sur www.newson6.com/story/65d57c27b49c790664883609/tulsa-city-councilor-denied-by-oklahoma-bar-association-after-colleagues-testify

“The Site” with the assistance of a bunch of really stupid SmutonSixers, BureauCunts℠, and their even more sinister counterparts PolitiCunts℠, allegedly!

Also, the newsletter format … not really working for “The Site.” It was a fun little attempt at something new, but it’s just not its style.

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