Tell the Story about (Accidentally) Teaching the French Professors’ Toddler the Word for Cunt in French

Kids Say the Darnedest Things

…they said thank you, laughed it off, and said it would be added to his baby book — “The Site” taught our child how to say “cunt” in French on this day in the elevator at the Student Union.

He did say it quite eloquently, but “The Site” is fairly certain that having a French father and a French-teaching mother gives him the leg-up on pronouncing con with such beauty.

The real irony here is that a toddler can handle the word cunt better than persons that consider themselves adults. #Allegedly.

Oh, the backstory … Barry!

Anywho, “The Site” was trying to figure out with its hearing-impaired ears what the difference was between quand and quant and maybe another word, but from the conversation that ensued, and from li’l guy’s decision to start repeating one particular word over-and-over, “The Site” came to the conclusion that no matter what word it was trying to pronounce, it all sounded like cunt.

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